Woman wearing bold cat eye sunglasses with brown jacket

How to Find the Best Sunglasses for Round Faces

One of the biggest fashion mistakes people can make is choosing clothing or accessories that aren’t made for their face or body. Too often people go with trends and don’t pay attention to how a specific trend looks on them. It’s amazing what a small change in things like hem height or what shoes you wear can do to your look. Glasses are one such item that can make that difference. 

Even if you don’t have prescription lenses, everyone needs sunglasses at some point. And, glasses and sunglasses can be great stylish accessories. Sunglasses for round faces can help sharpen curves and make your face look longer among other benefits. That is if you find the right sunglasses for your face. Let’s take a look at some options for the best sunglass shape for round faces to help you look and feel great.

Determining Your Face Shape

Before you start searching for sunglasses for round faces, you should first confirm you have a round face. Start by looking in a mirror and asking a few questions such as:

  • Is my jaw curvy rather than pointed?
  • Does my face seem to be almost equal in width and length?
  • Is my cheekbone the widest part of my face?
  • Are my forehead and jaw length close to the same?

If you answer “yes” to most of these questions, you likely have a round face. To be sure, you can take some measurements. You’ll need to measure:

  1. Your forehead (between each temple)
  2. Across your cheekbones
  3. The length of your face from your chin to your hairline

If your forehead length is smaller than your cheekbone length and your cheekbone length and face length are almost identical, you have a round face. Round faces tend to have smooth curves and lines, full cheeks, and a rounded jaw and chin. Celebrities who also look for sunglasses for round faces include the likes of Selena Gomez, Lupita N’Yongo, and Chrissy Teigen. Not bad company!

The Best Sunglasses for Round Faces

When looking for sunglasses, you should pay attention to frame shape, size, and color. All three of these factors play a part in determining the best pair of sunglasses for your face. 

Frame Shape

Overall, the best sunglass shapes for round faces are ones that contrast with the roundness of your face. That means opting for frames with sharp lines and angles for round or oval faces and looking for circles and smooth, curved lines for square or diamond faces. For round faces, look for the following frame shapes:

  • Square and rectangle frames: The stark lines and angles of rectangle and square sunglasses frames directly contrast the curves of your face, helping balance your face’s curves. This contrast also makes your face appear longer and slimmer.
  • Aviator and other browline glasses: Aviator glasses may seem less than ideal as sunglasses for round faces, but the straight browline is perfect. This straight line at the brow slims your face and makes it look longer. For those that don’t like sharp angles, aviators and other browline glasses are a great middle ground.
  • Cat eye sunglasses: Ever a classic, cat eye sunglasses are among the best sunglass shapes for round faces. They have the ideal angle to draw attention up and away from your cheek, the fullest part of round faces. This visual illusion makes your face seem longer and puts the focus on your brow rather than the middle of your face. 
  • Geometric frames: If you’re looking for something more avant-garde and fashion-forward, geometric frames are a great choice to balance out your round face. They bring the same contrasts as square or rectangle frames but with an added edge. Geometric frames are a great way to contrast with the roundness of your face and show off your individuality.

Blonde woman wearing oversized square sunglasses

Frame Size

When looking for sunglasses for round faces, it’s best to opt for larger frames. Small frames can accentuate your cheekbones, an area that you ideally want to downplay. Round faces are full, and larger frames can help balance out that fullness. Wraparound frames can also help diminish curviness as they follow your face’s contour, helping make it seem longer and slimmer. 

Frame Color

In general, the best frame color has more to do with your skin tone and wardrobe than your face shape. However, a bold frame, like red or neon, can give you an edgy look, helping combat the young look of round faces. Yet, if you like classic brown or black sunglasses, simply opt for sharp angles or bold lines and you’ll still have some of the best sunglasses for round faces

The Best Sunglasses for YOU

Regardless of these “rules,” when it comes down to it, the best sunglass shape for round faces is the shape that makes you feel like yourself. Privado has a wide selection of affordable sunglasses to fit any face shape and style, all designed with scratch-resistant lenses and the highest UV protection. Check out all our styles and show off your favorites for your round face by tagging us on Instagram.

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Author Bio

Laura spent nine years as a police detective before she decided to leave the force and follow her dreams of starting her own eyewear business. Privado Eyewear was founded in 2020 and specializes in providing masterfully crafted luxury eyewear designs at affordable prices. Laura’s commitment to gender-neutral styles and quality craftsmanship ensures that Privado consistently delivers top-quality products everyone will love.